Thursday, October 16, 2008

100 improvements in Batteries, Super Capacitors,Fuel Cells

 I've seen a lot of press releases and articles regarding Battery and SuperCapacitor improvements. I thought I would captures some of that Optimism 8) here and check back on them.

Quantumscape : Khosla, Stanford University, 1st ARPA-E round All-Electron Battery
Market: Autos
Advancement: the way material stacks together, electron flow vs Ion flow  ?
The footprint of fossil fuels-Power Density
High Cycle rate

2) 5.2010 Recapping + Khosla + Penn State
Advancement: Ceramic Battery based on a 3D nanocomposite structure, like EEStor
high cycling ability,
high power density,
low cost

3)Boston Power (now in China)
Market: Auto
Advancement: lithium ion
Benefits: small size means easier QC, similar to Tesla

4) 9.2011 AES Large Grid Storage
Market: Battery Grid Storage

5) Rebunieus 1GW Grid Storage in Mexico

6)Nocerra MIT artificial Leaf for hydrogen
Market: Hydrogen for Hydrogen Fuel Cells
Advancement: Solar and Water and Catalyst = Hydrogen

 7)Mission Motors Motorcycle Battery
Market: Motorcycles and move up?

8.ClearEdge SMB Building Fuel Cells

9.Zinc Cheap as Dirt Grid Energy

10. Sodium Research

11.Liquid Metal Battery

Khosla now involved in Sadoway Liquid Metal Battery 
A Discussion of LMB work at MIT high tempature  most likely for Grid Storage

12.Ioxus Caps

more about ioxus
13.New Anode lift lithium another 30%

14.Lithium Air and IBM

The challenges of lithium air battery

15.solid State Batteries for Autos

16.Flourine long lasting battery chemistry

17.Salton Sea Lithium

18.Centrifuge improves battery building

19.silicon Boost

20.Oorja the fork lift fuel cell company

21.Firefly energy RIP trucker cab battery

22.Porus Power Spray

23 Energizer Zinc Air

24.Xtreme Power

25.Sion - Lithium Sulfide more on Sion Power 

26.links to multiple battery stories

27.stretchy membraine at berkley

28. Salt Water Battery

29: Gartner Like Quandrant

30. Nissan cuts auto fuel costs by 75%

31 iron air battery SC

32 a23 paste battery

33 1000 mile car battery MAIL Battery
500-mile EV batteries. With the help of Recovery Act funding, Arizona-based Fluidic Energy is working with Arizona State University to develop a new generation of higher energy density metal-air batteries (metal air ionic liquid batteries, MAIL). To date, the development of these batteries has been blocked by the limitations of using unstable water based solutions that break down and evaporate out of the battery as it breathes. Fluidic Energy’s approach involves ionic liquids. If successful, the effort could yield batteries that weigh less, cost less, and are capable of carrying a four passenger electric car 500 miles without recharging, at a cost competitive with internal combustion engines.

34 Harvard Microbial battery

35 Idaho University Lead Battery Advancements

36) online resources for battery research

37 Ultra Caps fromIOXUS

38 Flouride-ion Batteries
ten times the density of Lithium, need to figure out how to operate at lower temperatures.

39 Stretchy Membrane 2 at Singapore

40)MIT has new catalyst for Nocera leaf 

and another new Catalyst

and another Hydrogen Catalyst avoid Platinum

41 FastCap
Nanomaterials in Capacitors

42 Algaenate binder 

43 Formic Acid Fuel cells 

44) Ceramatec Ceramic Batteries for the home

45) Organic Fuel cells

46) Molten Salt Battery 

47) Applied Materials and improved battery production technology

Nalamasu ended his talk on a retro note. The manufacturing process for batteries, even the lithium-ion batteries in a Toyota Prius or Telsa Roadster, has barely changed for a century. Applied Materials is developing a new, cheaper process that cuts the traditional 14 stages of production down to three.

48 Lithium Air Batteries (increased energy density)

49 Khosla Seeo  lithium technology with Pilot Plant

50 Discussion on types of Lithium Batteries .

51 Sumitomo's Low Temp Molten Salt batteries for cars in 2015

Foam battery and Capacity Hybrid

notes from battery university regarding types of battery materials

Pellion : Khosla, ARPA-E and magnesium battery investment

Norwegian working on cheap wasteheat recovery

PolyPlus Lithium Saltwater Battery funded by ARPA-E first round

Winston Chung Chinese Entrepreneur US production and the 1000 mile bus battery 

nd the 300 mile battery

Stanford Based Research Battery with a 30-year life for Grid Storage and MIT Review

GT Advanced Technology discusses 2 technologies to produce better solar for cheaper

25 battery ideas

UltraBattery combines lead-acid technology with supercapacitors for cheap 100k mile battery

Emefcy develops advanced energy efficient wastewater treatment technologies for minicipal and industrial plants creates Microbial Fuel cells

Tokyo Institute of Technology Professor Takashi Yabe uses water and the common metallic element magnesium to create pollution-free power

Isentropic Energy Pumped heat electric energy gravel storage bed

IBM makes some strides in Lithium Air Batteries using big data to explore

Steve Chu of Arpa-e talks of battery improvement targets

Vorbeck Graphene Lithium  Materials make batteries that recharge quicker and last 4x longer

Lithium Iron Phosphate BASF -

What I am trying to do here

This blog contains facts and information about Renewable Energy,Global Warming and some other items that interest me. Currently,there are a large number of posts which are left unpopulated or partially populated. I'll backfill them and continue to add info as I come across it.

This is a virtual notebook where I can place information in an organized manner. Hopefully, this will help me retain (or at least let me know where to find) info that I would otherwise forget and lose. This blog will look more like a website than a blog.

Some sources for my blog info is from and as well books such as The Plot to Save the World.

I also plan to keep some notes on other things growing vegtables and flowers, watercoloring, living simply and frugally, cooking, Nashua, Books, Music and personal projects. However, the main emphasis will be on renewable energy.I'm doing this mainly for myself but perhaps you may find things of interest here.

100 + things to be optimistic about

   (Don't let the date on this post fool you I am constantly adding to it)

This posting will be a collection of things that could prove interesting in improving our world. A fraction of these will in time make major improvements.


99)  Vertical Wind towers  can mean 10X wind power on same amount of land.

98) Khosla Scilicium a startup in Solar where disk benefits from heat as well. 

97)DOE Consortium looks to improve ICE efficentcy by 30%  

96 Supercritical Water removes sugar from wood at sugarcane prices

95) NASA  shares technology with others 

94 Miniaturizing Fischer-Tropsch plants 
allows for more regional smaller scale plants reducing transportation costs

93 Molecular Filtration Advancements for Petroleum Refiners

92 CO2 as a FeedStock

91 Fracking Oil Shale (pending safety concerns) 

90 ARPA invests in bugs that produce Hydrogen, Ethanol etc. 

89 ) General Fusion

Fusion for 30M? Vancouver CA company with Bezos money.

88) Various Water Ideas

Seawater Greenhouses

Cyprus Institutes Solar Desalination

Bruce Logan Microbial Desalination  Microbial Fuel Cells

87) Spherical Motor Kuglemotor

86 Michigan State University has a Wave Disk creates a pulse which recharges a battery

Wave Disk Engine 3.5 X more efficient than ICE
a good description of the shock wave cycles

85 Hydrogen Fuel Cells costs cut by 75% by Nissan

84:QM Power

83: Tour Engines - Improved ICE with Split Cycle

1) Lonnie Johnson Stirling Engine in a Box- SolidState Membrane   Heat Recovery--Heat Engine

- JTEC- Johnson Thermo-electromechanical Energy Conversion System, It will convert heat to electricity at rates reaching just under 40 percent of the maximum theoretical efficiency available in an engine operating between two temperatures -- the Carnot efficiency.

Lonnie Johnson lectures at Xerox Parc Video


3)New Drilling technology for GeoThermal Wells

4)NanoAntennas -Harvesting the full spectrum of the Sun's Rays
also early detection of diseases and splitting light by color and intense focus of light

5)Capturing kinetic energy from cars-
Speed bump power-drive throughs toll booths. -

6)Substainability :growing trees in the desert

Scientific America article on greening the world

7) Venter harvests 20 million new genes to find bug that turns coal to methane
8 Low grade Coal (lignite) to Gas? Is it real and desirable?

9) Hydrogenization of CO2 (using it as a possible feedstock through Fischer-Tropp)

10)CO2 to Methanol

11) Bugs that create Methane from Coal

12) Infrared Light into Electricity :using a wider spectrum

13) Spectrolab Solar reaches 40% with mirrors

14)Toshiba smaller nuclear

15) Amtec -solid state heat engine;col1
Lonnie Johnson talks at Parc

16) Urine Fuel
E3 clean technology hydrogen fuel cell
17)Lithium Air Batteries (increased energy density)

18) One Step Cellusoic sludge to Ethanol

19) One Step Algae to Ethanol

20) Miscanthus Research

21) Improved Heat carriers for Geothermal


23) Desalinization Energy Plant

24) Factor of 50 energy savings membrane for seperation

25)Electric Cream ??

26) Cansolar

27) Artifical Photosynthesis

28)Zeolites - Low energy seperation of Biofuels

29) Micro hydro- canals slow moving

30)Desalinization Pressure Drop Energy

31)Diesel-Gas in same engine 20 %improvement

32)New Engine Technologies

33)A variant on Salt-Freshwater Energy

34)Sewerage Energy

35 Vincent Carman

36 electric motor improvements

37 ultracapicator- battery combo

38) Joule Biotech (organism that is not algae)

39) Glidearc - Plasma Gasification Method

40) Bugs that eat polution

41) Pyrolis method to turn Biomass to chemicals

42) Zajac Motors_ improved diesel design

43) Solar Air conditioning with 3-4 year payback

44) urban farmer
will allen 1/4 food two acres

45 Liquid Piston improved Diesel engine

46) Salt water battery ;;
Desalinization technique

47) Oorj _methanol fuel cells

48)Fiber PV gains in efficiency

49) Viruses making Hydrogen

50) Assorted Automotive Technologies
Laser Spark Plug 

51) Solar Heated iron to make Syngas

52) Appreciation for Dirt

53) Pressure cooking Algae to oil

54) 90% more efficent air conditioning\

55 heat recovery wheels

56 new energy technology as shown here and here at Tour.

57) making a sewer pit a fuel cell

58) Lead acid battery technology

59) Super charger technology

60)Magnesium fuel cell

61) New car engines
Pinacles Boxer Engine 

Concept: Garric Rotary Variable Compression Ratio Engine

62) Khosla looking for answers
his tracked portfolio found here

63) Fuel from CO2

64) Doe and Concentrated Solar Power

65 Perenial Grain research

66 Arpa e awards list

67 Wave disc engines

68 Bricks from urine
69 Large gravel beds to be used as large heat storage devices

70 Electrotherm - Waste Heat Reclaimer in production

71) Electric Power Plant uses excess power to create Nitrogen and Oxygen as storage to be burned by waste heat

72) Salt water Fresh Water Osmotic difference

73) Flow Battery Research from a123

74) mindvolting ;)

75) faster hole digging

76) Stanford heat and solar electronically in the same package 50%

77) Scuderi and the Air Hybrid Engine

78) Virtual Lithium Mine

79) Flow Batteries
80) DBM Solid State Battery Quick Charging high Capacity and Cheap

81) Sodium &Water Grid Storage

82) nanoptek to create hydrogen in a standalone system

83) UMaine Trees to Fuel

More on New Energy Site with video found here 

84)Reducing Friction Ideas
Diamond like Carbon Coating for Plows


86 Salt driven AC with 75% power savings 

** Optical Cavity Furnace-Better Solar Panel Manufacturing (in precision and cost);title

flodesign Waltham MA airturbine based on Jet Engine that goes beyond Betz limit

Luca technology gas farming microbes turn coal to natural gas

NYC based Rentricity electricity from pressure drops in water pipes 

Sempris NREL Solar @ 40% efficiency  


I'm optimistic the combined energy of research,technology, discussion, political action that are occuring we will get some positive results in obtaining new sources of energy and reduce global warming.
I am optomistic about this due to;
1) Large amount of individuals, university research labs, entreprenuers and companies that are working on this problem. Market forces help driving this.
2) In general, the world and the US do recognize this as an important issue
3) There are a number of technologies that are now new or are improved:
a) massive computing resources allow us to do modeling
b) better understanding allowing us to do biomimicing of breaking down materials to fuel, creating photosynthesism, reducing wind drag in transportation
c) biotechnology
d) improvements in battery technology
To see what the scientists and thought leaders of the Edge collaborative website are optomistic about click on the picture at the top of the page.

The Big Picture

Notes on World Usage Notes on World Supply Notes on World Demand Notes on US Usage 140 billion gallons of gasoline consumed in the US each year And our global appetite for petroleum continues to grow. In the United States alone, we consume nearly 40 quadrillion BTUs every year. (That’s 15 zeroes – a billion million.) The costs are astronomical: We spend over $200 billion on foreign oil every year. Notes on US Supply Notes on US Demand Ninety seven percent of the fuel used in U.S. transportation is petroleum-based, and two-thirds of our oil is imported. Much the largest source of renewable energy is hydroelectric power, which provides 17% of world electricity (and 6% of world energy), about the same as nuclear power; both are CO2-free. All the other renewables - wind, wave, tidal, solar, biomass (which are either CO2-free or CO-neutral) - hardly feature in the statistics at the present time.
Revia and Depade

A one megawatt plant can supply up to 1,000 homes with power).

Industry in the United States accounts for one-fourth of the world's manufacturing output, employs 14 million people and at 12 percent of the gross domestic product makes the highest contribution to the economy of any sector," Blue said.
While the U.S. industrial sector supplies over 60 percent of the nation's exports worth $50 billion/month, the challenge is to reduce the amount of energy - 32 quads, which is about one-third of the total energy consumed in the nation. One quad is equal to 1 quadrillion British thermal units, an amount of energy equal to 170 million barrels of oil.

CHARLIE ROSE: You’ve also said that we can get — have energy independence in 10 years
if we’re willing to go spend $180 billion?
AMORY LOVINS: I didn’t say in 10 years, but if we spent $180 billion getting off oil, half of
it to retool the car, truck and plane industries for tripled efficiency, and half to build a
modern bio-fuels industry, then that $180 billion investment by 2025 would return net $70

about milatary

AMORY LOVINS: And, of course, it’s a very teachable moment right now, because they
spend about half their money and a third of their people moving stuff around. That’s called
CHARLIE ROSE: Right. Right.
AMORY LOVINS: 70 percent of the tonnage they move is fuel.

Iraq War

sold as self financing by oil, it is not. Oil Saboteurs can't be stopped.

40% of Iraq's middle class left Iraq. Black market Oil finances the terrorist.

4000 American dead 10's of thousands wounded. Cost of war may end up about 2 trillion dollars 5 X Saudi Arabia's GNP.

the Abqaiq facilites process 7 million barrells -8% of worlds output. attacked a number of times

Arpa-e DOE Steve Chu

steve chu interview 3.2012

PopScience Article about ARPA

Arpa article with Photos

Article of ARPA

Article on Darpa

Google Links to Arpa-Project Selections

Chu speaks do we compete or waive the white flag?

Majumdar speaks in feb 11video

Arul Majumdar speaks at University of Washington

The listing of 2010 first ARPA funding cycle 

sadoway Mit battery guy talks importance of Gov funding

Interview with Arul after he left

American Energy Indepence

Robert Bryce "gusher of Lies" says it can't happen. We need to prepare for interdependence.

US bought Crude from 41 different countries, jet fuel from 26 and gas from 46. We import electricity from Mexico and Canada. We import 60 % of oil needs and 80% of computer chips.

Energy use goes hand in hand with prosperity

4 Issues:
Infrastructure attacks and Osama Bin Laden
Peak Oil
Climate Change

American Oil industry has shortage of trained engineers and workers. Only 15% are in their mid 20-30's. Shortage of Welders.

Oil is a global business. BP produces more oil in US than any other.

Energy Consumption

Economics of Energy


Complete listing of initial 111 Entrants

Total # of Registered Teams: 111 (6 remain confidential)
Total # of Vehicles: 136
Mainstream Class Entries: 80
Alternative Class Entries: 56
Total U.S. States Represented: 25 (88 U.S. teams; 107 U.S. vehicles)
U.S. States Represented: AZ, CA, CO, CT, FL, GA, IA, IL, IN, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, NM, NY, NV, OH, OR, PA, TN, TX, VA, WA, WV
Total Countries Represented: 11 (23 international teams; 29 international vehicles)
Countries Represented: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Finland, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland, Thailand, UK, USA
Total Fuel Sources: 14
Full electric / battery 32
Hybrid (gas or diesel) / electric 36
Hybrid multi-fuel / electric 11
Hybrid CNG / electric 1
Hybrid Hydrogen / electric 3
Hybrid compressed air/electric/gas 4
Hybrid solar / electric 3
Hybrid human / gas / electric 1
Gasoline 23
Diesel 13
Urea 2
Other (Water, Vegetable oil, TBD) 5
*Please be aware that the types of technologies/fuel sources noted above
are subject to change up to the point of Data Submission Judging.
Registered Teams in the Mainstream Class:
Mainstream Class vehicles must carry four or more passengers, have four or more wheels, and offer a 200 mile range.
Team Name Fuel Source City/State Country
7K Hamsters CNG Roswell, NM USA * No current link*
AdiabaticGas , optional electric Frewsburg, NY USA *
Alternative Fuel Sciences ZeroFuel ammonia on demand Ridgefield, CT USA
American HyPower Hybrid/Hydrogen Centennial, CO USA
AMP !!!
Apet-x !!!!
BDCOTSRUS Diesel /Electric Chuluota, FL USA
Belloso Motor Company Gasoline Salisbury, MD USA
BITW Technologies Bio Diesel Palmyra, IN USA!!!
Boulder Electric Vehicle Electric drive Boulder, CO USA
Brilliant-EV Bio-diesel / Electric Hybrid Fairfield, IA USA
Cloud Electric Racing Electricity/Batteries Woodinville, WA USA
Combined Technology Solutions Gasoline/ethanol/electric Ellicott City, MD U
Cornell !!!!
D'Antheus Motors Hybrid - Electric - Gas (backup) Apopka, FL USA
Daheco Engines Flexible: Gasoline/Ethanol/Diesel/Bio-diesel Valdese, NC USA
Delta Motorsport Battery Electric Northants UK
Eco-Taxi Vegetable oil based biofuel Truckee, CA USA
Eddison * 2 --Mass Management Gasoline or natural gas Charlottesville, VA USA !!!
Eltra Technology, Inc. Hybrid electric modified gasoline electric Las Vegas, NV USA
EnerMotion Gasoline, Diesel, Bio Diesel, or CNG Caledon, ON CAN
Enertia Motors Electricity / Biodiesel Wake Forrest, NC USA
Registered Teams Overview
Engineous Power Gasoline Brainerd, MN USA
Enginer Gasoline + Electric Troy, MI USA !!!
ENVI Electric (batteries) Portland, OR USA
EVIN Electric Battery Store (Lithium-Ion) Hawthorn Woods, IL USA
Finishing Dutch (Prautotype) Gasoline or E85 Arnhem NL
Gomecsys Gasoline Naarden NL
Goodwin-Young LINCVOLT Biodiesel/ gasoline/ hydroxy gas Los Angeles, CA USA
GroupXCaliber Bio-diesel (can also run on E85 or gasoline) Redlands, CA USA
Herf Duo Gasoline Teltow, BR GER
Illuminati Motor Works Gasoline Series Hybrid Virden, IL USA!!!
Integrated Innovations Corp Gasoline Rutland, VT USA
Jordan Engineering 110V/220V AC electricity and/or gasoline Houston, TX USA
Kinetix Motors Diesel Santa Ana, CA USA
Liberty Motors Gasoline Botkins, OH USA!!!!
Lightning Hybrids BioDiesel Loveland, CO USA
Maxi-Eco Team Ethanol E85 or Gasoline Guarulhos, SP BRA
MDI-ZPM Compressed air New Paltz, NY USA
Millmac Gasoline and Ethanol or a combination Coral Springs, FL USA
MIT VDS Vision XP Plug-in series hybrid running on CNG Cambridge, MA USA
Motive Industries Inc. Electric Calgary, AB CAN
Nelson TYWA Power Corp. Gasoline, Propane, Natural gas, Diesel, Ethanol Princeton, NC USA
NgEK Gasoline / E85 / Ethanol Cincinnati, OH USA
NorthWest Energy Research Associates Diesel Arlington, WA USA
Parr Piston Engine Company Biodiesel (Multifuel) Soquel, CA USA
Pegasus X Electricity and gasoline Ann Arbor, MI USA
Physics Lab of Lake Havasu, AZ Electric, diesel, steam/waste heat, solar PV, hydraulic Lake Havasu City, AZ USA
Pinwheel GT Compressed air / electric Atlanta, GA USA
PMC Biodiesel, LNG, CNG, Hydrogen Los Angeles, CA USA
Poulsen Hybrid Battery / Gasoline Shelton, CT USA
Revolucion Motors Electric, Diesel, Compressed Natural Gas Lawrence, KS USA
Ricker Truck 20% Biodiesel Turner, ME USA
San Fernando Hybrid Alliance Petrol, hydrogen, electric, solar, air Van Nuys, CA USA
Slipstream Diesel Granger, IN USA
Synergy Innovations Electric MINI Fully Electric Guildford, Surrey UK
Team FourSight Diesel (biodiesel) and Electricity Morgantown, WV USA!!!
Team Global-E Compressed Natural Gas Mandeville, LA USA!!!
Team GreenWorks E85/Grid Electricity Itu, Sao Paulo BRA
Team HydroPhi Battery/Generator/Hydrogen Toronto, ON CAN
Team ULV-3 Bio-Diesel/Ethanol/Electric Chanhassen, MN USA
Tesla Motors Electric Auburn Hills, MI USA
The Little Engine That Can Team Diesel Ham Lake, MN USA
USA Electric Cars Gasoline Courtland, NY USA
Utopia Water USA
Velozzi Plug-in multi fuel Beverly Hills, CA USA
Veperformance Battery electric La Plaine, QU CAN
West Philly Hybrid X Team Gasoline/Biobutanol and electric Philadelphia, PA USA !!!
WIKISPEED Gasoline Denver, CO USA !!!
Registered Teams in the Alternative Class:
Alternative Class vehicles must carry two or more passengers, have no constraints on the number of wheels, and allow for a
100 mile range.
Team Name Fuel Source City/State Country
Aero-Siordia Hyper X Racing Biofuel Electric Paso Robles, CA USA
Alterna Diesel GTL, Hybrid Electric Vonore, TN USA
AMP Electric Blue Ash, OH USA!!!
Aptera Motors Plug-In Electric Vista, CA USA!!!
Avion Car Company TBD Bellingham, WA USA
Electric Truck Diesel-electric hybrid Greenwich, CT USA
ENVERA Gas Mill Valley, CA USA!!!!
Falcon Future Methane Fountain Hills, AZ USA
FVT Racing Electric & Gasoline Maple Ridge, BC CAN!!!
Gaia Transport Electricity and gasoline Marietta, GA USA
GotPower All electric Martinez, CA USA
Innovative Environmental Energy Concepts E85/Natural Gas/Solar/Electric/Plug-in Coral Gables, FL USA
Ino8 Electric & petrol Jan Juc, VIC AUS
Kinetic Vehicles Diesel Cave Junction, OR USA
Loremo Diesel Mari GER
Millennial Powers Motors Corporation Electric Scottsdale, AZ USA
OptaMotive Electric Stittsville, ON USA ( in contest but no web presence)
Persu Mobility Inc. Electric/Gasoline hybrid Los Angeles, CA USA
RaceAbout Association Grid Electricity Helsinki FIN!!!
Red Light Racing Diesel or Biodiesel Lexington Park, MD USA
SABA Motors Electric San Jose, CA USA
Spira Gasoline Banglamung, Chonburi THA!!!
SSI Racing Electric San Diego, CA USA
T3 Motion All-electric (w/optional Gas Assist) Costa Mesa, CA USA
Tango Battery Electric Spokane, WA USA!!!
Tata Motors Limited Electric Conventry UK!!!
TEAM EVI Electric Mooresville, NC USA!!!
Team EVX Electric Dallas, TX USA!!!
Team Myers Motors Electric Tallmadge, OH USA
Team Tejas Battery Electric Vehicle El Paso, TX USA
Team Urbe Electric/Bioethanol Winnipeg, MA CAN
Tri-Hybrid Stealth Electric, Gas, Human power Erin, TN USA
TTW Italia CNG and Electricity Torino, TO ITL
TW4XP Electricity Rosenthal, Hessen GER!!!
V-Mobile Rechargeable Batteries Vancouver, BC CAN
Western Washington University Gasoline, Electricity, Biomethane/CNG Bellingham, WA USA!!!
X-Tracer Team Switzerland Electricity Uster SUI!!!
XLR8SUN Battery/Photovoltaic Orlando, FL USA
ZAP PEV Santa Rosa, CA USA!!!
K-Way Motus

Population and Wealth Distribution

Link to Population Density by Country

Peak Oil

US uses 14 million barrells a day about a Gallon for every person in the US. pg100the plot Global demand to grow by 30% by 2030. Over 150 Coal plans are being planed to be built in the US. Processing and using tar sand generates 40% c02 than traditional oil . Oil Shale twice as much Co2 than Oil. The average person travels 50% more to shop than in 1990. PTSW The "lifting" price - how much it costs to get oil out of the ground - is very cheap in the Persian Gulf, around a dollar a barrel, while from Gulf of Mexico, North Sea or Alaska the "lifting" price is $8-12. Matthew Simmons predicts by 2015 the world will, in the BEST case scenario, be pumping no more than 65 million barrels per day of crude Important Articles on this subject

RFID Links

The basics from RFID Journal

What is RFID

Radio frequency identification (RFID) is a generic term that is used to describe a system that transmits the identity (in the form of a unique serial number) of an object or person wirelessly, using radio waves. It's grouped under the broad category ofautomatic identification technologies. 

Facts about Oil

The U.S. currently imports 68% of its daily oil needs -- an all-time high. "This is more than half the trade deficit [and] has far-reaching tentacles and influence over what goes on in this country, where it has not been exposed or even explained to anybody," said Pickens.
The U.S. consumes 21 million barrels of oil per day, or roughly a quarter of the world's production (85 million barrels). Thirteen million of the 21 million barrels come via imports. From a geopolitical perspective alone, this creates some unpleasant realities.
Over half of U.S. oil imports come from Venezuela ("good friends of ours"), the Middle East and Nigeria. "This is absolutely insane, that this country is dependent on supplies as precarious as Nigeria for instance or Venezuela," said Pickens. "Look at Saudi Arabia: They produce 9 million barrels a day. What we import is greater than what Saudi Arabia produces."

94 percent of the oil you see is owned by governments, which either don’t know or won’t honestly say what they’ve got.

they can keep on their social lid and not have to reform their polity or their economy. But let me remind you of a happier time. The last time America paid attention to oil, from 1977 to ‘85, in those eight years, the economy grew 27 percent. Oil use went down 17 percent. Oil — oil imports fell by half. Imports from the Persian Gulf fell 87 percent. And they would have been gone if we had kept — kept that up for one more year.

Vehicles, all kinds of transport in this country use 70 percent of our oil And the rest is industrial raw materials, industrial heat and buildings.

And the car, you know, uses 100 times its weight every day in ancient plants, but most of
that is wasted.

That means by the way protecting the climate is profitable,because it costs a lot less to save fuel than to buy fuel.


Manufacturing in the US-


Salt Water Farming





There are alot of articles talking about claims of advancements or new findings or nuances in research of renewable energy . alot of these will not come to pass or progress.

Some of them are exagagerations, statements which do not tell the whole story, packaged pr for VC funders, Grant or in general good news to keep the hope alive.




Global Warming


C02 Facts


Using/Reducing CO2

S2P Sunlight turns c02 to Petroleum

Co2 technology examples in this article


C02 Sequestering Ideas

Co2 Sequestering : using Cement to Sequester c02


Carbon Credits


Planet Engineering

Pollution Control Remediation

Microbes for Nuclear Remediation


Ideas for Solutions



Reclaiming Waste Heat


Casten wrote a book on this.

The Stirling Engine


Americans produced 40 BILLION pounds of plastic in 2006
Americans recycled 5.3% (2 Billion pounds) of that plastic
Plastic waste occupies 25% of landfill space by volume
Plastic waste occupies 11% of landfill space by weight

As the prices of oil and other raw materials rise, recycled products become more attractive. Consider that 8% of global oil production is siphoned off to make plastic each year. Recycled plastic, however, requires 80% less energy to produce. Recycled aluminum burns up 95% less energy. Recycled iron and steel use 74% less, while paper requires 64% less. The money piles up quickly: One ton of recycled aluminum saves an average of $700 in electricity. The Environmental Protection Agency estimates that if the recycling rate were to increase by just five points, to 35%, this would save the equivalent of almost 2 billion gallons of gasoline annually.


Notes on Fanatical Prospecting

Jeb Blount seems to be cut from the same cloth and does a nice job codifying some ideas & making points that are memorable. 

My notes: 

There is no easy button in Sales. 
Persistence always wins always.
Proactively Persuing Prospects 
Opening Sales Conversations and filling the pipeline
The number one reason for failure empty pipe caused by failure to prospect.

fanatical- motivated or characterised by an extreme uncritical enthusiasm . 
easy is the greatest marketing hook invented (but untrue) 

easy is mother of mediocrity and like a broke uncle. 
you should wish things were easier only that things are better.
Prospecting is hard emotional draining work and it is the price to pay for a large income.

Successful sales people leave signs.

They are 

Superstars don't 
don't makes excuses 
don't whine
don't  complain
don't  live in fear
don't  procrastinate
They prospect when times are good a rainy day is around the corner 
They prospect when

The Paradox of Basics- An answer so blatantly obvious that it remains impossibly invisible.

And wait there's more *) a website.....

Smart Buildings

That's because, according to the U.S. Green Building Council, buildings account for 65 percent of U.S. electricity use and produce 30 percent of the country's greenhouse-gas emissions and 30 percent of its waste.

cogeneration - CHP -Combined Heat and Power

making electricity and heat together -- which takes about half of the money, fuel and carbon of making them separately, as we normally do.

Cogeneration at in 1976 was 4% of the energy of the United States. It is now 18%, and Amory now calls it micropower. Amory talked then of coal, conservation and soft technologies (wind and solar) reducing energy demand and squeezing oil and gas usage


check out organic rankine cycle


NInja Keyboard Notes on Microsoft Office: Excel , Word

To Sum

=Sum  A1 + A3

To Divide

= /



clink in box captures box for formula

Sum (G19:G57)  (This does and entire

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Smarter Manufacturing


Xprize teams I am following

Amp Totally electric (150miles ) sports car (GM Saturn);IN

Bitw-existing geo- some humor here IN

Enginer -steam turbine boost from waste heat retrofitted-aussie-china-IN

Envera-variable compression engine-goverment lab tested-IN

Illuminati Motor Works -7- bunch of guys with cool team name-IN

Raceabout- from Helsinki tech-IN-HYVAA!

more who are out update 4.26.10

Alternative Fuel -Urea! -Cool Factor (zero fuel): OUT
last blog post 6/12/09

Belloso - Two engines one for acceleration (The Belleso Brothers): OUT

CTS- plasma ignition :OUT

Enertia-converted Studebaker Avanti-style points:OUT

site that is still up

Gomecys-new gas engine design at it for 10 years:OUT

polson- The Poulsen Hybrid system utilizes Permanent Magnet, Axial Field (PMAF) motors-OUT

Velozzi-Tied in with Bayer -hot Race Car :OUT

These favorites of mine are no longer in the contest.

Avion-Bullet Car from 88- World Champion-cool Factor (no longer links?)

Eco-Taxi-vegtable oil + brown's gas oxegen-hydrogen (no longer links)

Finishing Dutch - super efficent new motor design (no longer links)

Nelson Tyla -Old School -Oxygen flywheel Inovator- a favorite (no longer links)

Smarter Transportation

You know,
the average car today only uses .3 percent of its fuel energy to move the driver; 95 percent
of the weight you’re moving around is the car, not the driver. And we need to fix that


CHARLIE ROSE: What is micro-power?
AMORY LOVINS: Well, it’s either making heat and power together in buildings or factories.
That’s a lot more efficient. Or decentralized renewables: sun, wind, and the rest. And those
actually added last year four times as much new electricity and about 11 times as much
generating capacity as nuclear added.


Smarter Electicity Production


The Smart Grid


Amory Lovins

Article with Great Amory Lovins links


factor 10 engineering, 10xe

A different view



Dean Kamen


Hot Flat and Crowded Chapter 1: Where Birds don't Fly TF point is the US reaction to 9-11 has created isolation which is hurting us. The freeflow of business, tourism, ideas is reduced in terms of our interactions while overseas and foreigners in the us. Esp. in the Arab world which is distancing from our friends. The problem is the world is getting Hot, Flat and Crowded. Hot= Global Warming Flat=The Growing Middle Class Crowded= Rapid population growth The books theme In particular, the convergence of hot, flat, and crowded is tightening energy supplies, intensifying the extinction of plants and animals, deepening energy poverty, strengthening petrodictatorship, and accelerating climate change Three trends 9-11 fence building Dumb as we wanna be policies- red vs blue fighting, subprime lending Nation building at home - grass route energy Washington Environmentalism was a bipartisan issue. Reagan reduced budget of National Solar Energy Lab now NREL . Todays average car mileage is equal to ten years ago per the Pew Foundation. In 2020, the CAFE is moving us to 35 mpg which is where Japan is today. Amory Lovins of Rocky Mountain Institute says when Regan rolled back CAFE it was like undiscovering the Artic Reserve. If the auto industry did not lobby for low taxes on gas there would not be a demand for SUV's. What is good for GM is not necessarily good for the US. Denmark decided to do taxes and Premium gas is 9 bucks a gallon. Since 81 the economy has grown to 1981 has grown 70 percent and energy usage has remained the same. Solar and wind is 16% of the energy of Denmark. 1/3 of the wind turbines come from Denmark. Danisco and Novozymes both come from Denmark. In 77 , Denmark gets 99 percent of their energy from the middle east but now gets none. Today's China is building infrastructure more modern than the US asked quoted by Zakaria . The trouble with our times is that the future is not what it used to be Valery Imagine how many people would enlist at Nation Building at home. We need to continually rebuild ourselves by David Rothkopf . Green is not simply a new form of generating electrical power. it is a new form of generating national power--period. The America we would like to see..(gives a bunch of examples) Chapter 2: Today's Date E.C.E 1 Today's weather Hot, Flat and Crowded Flat as defined by his World is Flat:Technical Revolution is leveling the global economic playing field and enabling more people to compete, connect and colaborate having a huge impact on economics,politics , milatary, and social affairs. 2 other factors global warming and soaring population growth five key problems: (that the book describes) 1)the growing demand for ever scarcer energy supplies and natural resources 2) a massive transfer of wealth to oil-rich countries and their petrodictators 3) disruptive climate change 4) energy poverty, which is sharply dividing the world into electricity haves and electricity have-nots 5) rapidly accelerating biodiversity loss, as plants and animals go extinct at record rates If we are going to solve these problems we need New tools New infrastructure new ways of thinking new ways of colaborating with others This is stuff which great new industries, scientific breakthroughs and propelling some nations ahead. 2.6 billion in the world in 53 and in 2053 world pop estimated 9.2 billion (5.4 billion now). 2.3 million people annually move from nondeveloped to developed countries. In 1800, London was the largest city with a million in 1960 ,111 cities with one million 1995 380 cities now over 300 Megacities 10 million 5 in 75 14 in 95 26 in 2015 This has also made the world flatter Technology-- desktop publishing, broadcasting -the internet- software and transmission - the workflow revolution Geopolitical- Collapse of Communism and the Berlin wallcreates a global marketplace The end of Communism lifted 200million people out of abject poverty in the 80's and 90's in China and India alone. according to the IMF in the next 12 years, we expect another billion people. if we gave them each a 60 watt lightbulb we would need 20 50 mgwat coal plants. (pointed out by Dave douglas of Sun) An energy chemist California Institute of Technology, Nate Lewis, analogy “ Imagine you are driving in your car and every mile you drive you throw a pound of trash out your window. And everyone else on the freeway in their cars and trucks is doing the exact same thing, and people driving Hummers are throwing two bags out at a time – one out the driver-side window and one out the passenger-side window. We are throwing out is a pound of CO2 – that’s what goes into the atmosphere, on average, every mile we drive.” Deforestation in places like Brazil and Indonesia are responsible for the 20 % of the c02 more that all the transportation combined. Methane- released from rice farming, oil drilling, coal mining, animal defecation, cow belching. 21 times stronger than c02 in ghg. average cow 600 liters a day. 1.3 billion cows is the world pop. Fuels from Heaven vs Fuels from Hell Andy Karsner- DOE- We built the greatest ineffecient environment with the greatest efficentcy known to mankind. energy chemist California Institute of Technology, Nate Lewis analogy “Imagine you are driving in your car and every mile you drive you throw a pound of trash out your window. And everyone else on the freeway in their cars and trucks is doing the exact same thing, and people driving Hummers are throwing two bags out at a time – one out the driver-side window and one out the passenger-side window. we are throwing out is a pound of CO2 – that’s what goes into the atmosphere, on average, every mile we drive.” deforesting of places like Indonesia and Brazil creates more co2 than all the transportation -20% of all global emissions. Methane CH4 is a bad ghg from rice farming, oil drilling, coal mining, animal defecation, waste sites and cattle belching. There are 1.3 billion cows in the world. Methane from livestock is a major ghg source. Pew Center studies GHG. Electric Power Research Institute studies. Peter Verleger Energy Economist notes global energy consumption grew 5% from 51 to 70. China and India growing like post WWII. Royal Dutch Shell thinks that all energy consumption will double by 2050.

T Friedman

Hot Flat and Crowded

Chapter 1: Where Birds don't Fly

TF point is the US reaction to 9-11 has created isolation which is hurting us. The freeflow of business, tourism, ideas is reduced in terms of our interactions while overseas and foreigners in the us. Esp. in the Arab world which is distancing from our friends.

The problem is the world is getting Hot, Flat and Crowded.
Hot= Global Warming
Flat=The Growing Middle Class
Crowded= Rapid population growth

The books theme

In particular, the convergence of hot, flat, and crowded is tightening energy supplies, intensifying the extinction of plants and animals, deepening energy poverty, strengthening petrodictatorship, and accelerating climate change

Three trends

9-11 fence building
Dumb as we wanna be policies- red vs blue fighting, subprime lending
Nation building at home - grass route energy

Washington Environmentalism was a bipartisan issue.

Reagan reduced budget of National Solar Energy Lab now NREL .
Todays average car mileage is equal to ten years ago per the Pew Foundation.
In 2020, the CAFE is moving us to 35 mpg which is where Japan is today.

Amory Lovins of Rocky Mountain Institute says when Regan rolled back CAFE
it was like undiscovering the Artic Reserve.
If the auto industry did not lobby for low taxes on gas there would not be a demand for SUV's.

What is good for GM is not necessarily good for the US. Denmark decided to do taxes and Premium gas is 9 bucks a gallon. Since 81 the economy has grown to 1981 has grown 70 percent and energy usage has remained the same.
Solar and wind is 16% of the energy of Denmark.

1/3 of the wind turbines come from Denmark. Danisco and Novozymes both come from Denmark. In 77 , Denmark gets 99 percent of their energy from the middle east but now gets none.

Today's China is building infrastructure more modern than the US asked quoted by Zakaria .

The trouble with our times is that the future is not what it used to be

Imagine how many people would enlist at Nation Building at home.

We need to continually rebuild ourselves by David Rothkopf .

Green is not simply a new form of generating electrical power. it is a new form of generating national power--period.

The America we would like to see..(gives a bunch of examples)

Chapter 2: Today's Date E.C.E 1 Today's weather Hot, Flat and Crowded

Flat as defined by his World is Flat:Technical Revolution is leveling the global economic playing field and enabling more people to compete, connect and colaborate having a huge impact on economics,politics , milatary, and social affairs.

2 other factors global warming and soaring population growth

five key problems: (that the book describes)
1)the growing demand for ever scarcer energy supplies and natural resources
2) a massive transfer of wealth to oil-rich countries and their petrodictators
3) disruptive climate change
4) energy poverty, which is sharply dividing the world into electricity haves and electricity have-nots
5) rapidly accelerating biodiversity loss, as plants and animals go extinct at record rates

If we are going to solve these problems we need
New tools
New infrastructure
new ways of thinking
new ways of collaborating with others

This is stuff which great new industries, scientific breakthroughs and propelling some nations ahead.

2.6 billion in the world in 53 and in 2053 world pop estimated 9.2 billion (5.4 billion now). 2.3 million people annually move from unundeveloped to developed countries.

In 1800, London was the largest city with a million
in 1960 ,111 cities with one million
1995 380 cities
now over 300

Megacities 10 million
5 in 75
14 in 95

26 in 2015
This has also made the world flatter
desktop publishing, broadcasting
-the internet-
software and transmission - the workflow revolution
Geopolitical- Collapse of Communism and the Berlin wallcreates a global marketplace

The end of Communism lifted 200million people out of abject poverty in the 80's and 90's in China and India alone. according to the IMF

in the next 12 years, we expect another billion people. if we gave them each a 60 watt lightbulb we would need 20 50 mgwat coal plants. (pointed out by Dave douglas of Sun)

An energy chemist California Institute of Technology, Nate Lewis, analogy “

Imagine you are driving in your car and every mile you drive you throw a pound of trash out your window. And everyone else on the freeway in their cars and trucks is doing the exact same thing, and people driving Hummers are throwing two bags out at a time – one out the driver-side window and one out the passenger-side window.

We are throwing out is a pound of CO2 – that’s what goes into the atmosphere, on average, every mile we drive.”

Deforestation in places like Brazil and Indonesia are responsible for the 20 % of the c02 more that all the transportation combined.

Methane- released from rice farming, oil drilling, coal mining, animal defecation, cow belching. 21 times stronger than c02 in ghg. average cow 600 liters a day. 1.3 billion cows is the world pop.

Fuels from Heaven vs Fuels from Hell

Andy Karsner- DOE- We built the greatest ineffecient environment with the greatest efficentcy known to mankind.

energy chemist California Institute of Technology, Nate Lewis analogy “Imagine you are driving in your car and every mile you drive you throw a pound of trash out your window. And everyone else on the freeway in their cars and trucks is doing the exact same thing, and people driving Hummers are throwing two bags out at a time – one out the driver-side window and one out the passenger-side window. we are throwing out is a pound of CO2 – that’s what goes into the atmosphere, on average, every mile we drive.”

deforesting of places like Indonesia and Brazil creates more co2 than all the transportation -20% of all global emissions.

Methane CH4 is a bad ghg from rice farming, oil drilling, coal mining, animal defecation, waste sites and cattle belching.
There are 1.3 billion cows in the world. Methane from livestock is a major ghg source.

Pew Center studies GHG.

Electric Power Research Institute studies.

Peter Verleger Energy Economist notes global energy consumption grew 5% from 51 to 70. China and India growing like post WWII. Royal Dutch Shell thinks that all energy consumption will double by 2050.

Energy Policy Research Foundation says the shock absorbers of excess capacity are gone.
Oil grew by 3 million barrels a day (1 million in China alone) in 2004. Some problems in meeting this are broad shortage of equipment and Countries tried to remove foreign companies now

2.4 billion people living on 2 dollars a day.
Natural Resources and infrastructure is backed up. aluminum smelters. 3 year waiting list.
goal is to grow GDP with less energy.

Food pressures . 1) more food to fuel and 2) higher fertilizer reduces acreage grown

India, China and Middle East subsidizes their own oil purchases raised rates. 2007, Indonesia spent 30% of their budget on energy subsidies and 6 % on education

oil $ transfers are funding petrodictators

C02 stays in the atmosphere several thousand years. if there is no action by 2012 it is too late.
Sigma Xi

Energy poverty = Business poverty =educational poverty

Biodiversity Loss = 1 acre a second. 90 % of large predator fish are gone.20 % of corals are gone with another 20 threatened. half of wetlands and a third of mangroves are gone.

bajaii is extinct or close to extinction in China

Agenda for a sustainable america for human beings to reach their potential they need to
1) maintain quality of life
2) forestall another depression
3) prevent a world war

(economic development, human rights, and peace and security)

Bill Collins says "we are experimenting on the only home we have'

Part 2: How we got here
Chapter 3 Our Carbon Copies ; or too many Americans energy supply and demand.


Dohar Quatar and Dalain (Chinese silicon valley) are places that are growing at a wild pace noticable in only two years. They will quickly eat any energy savings made by others.....

Dalian is one of 49 chinese cities with over a million people.
Today 1 billion are living an American life style by 2050 3 billion.

Europe and Japan show it is possible to live a middle class lifestyle with much less consumption.

it took all of human history in 1950 to reach a 12 trillion dollar economy (now we grow by that every decade)

James Gustave Speth at current rates of growth the worlds economy will double in 14 years.

Tom Burke of E3G speaks of americums = units of people making 15k plus a year and consumerist. ld.

Tom Burke is a great energy innovator from Britain. He invented a unit of measure. He calls it the "Americum." And an Americum is any 300 million people in the world living like Americans. Well, when I was born in the 50s, there was only two and a half Americums in the world. There was America, Europe and Japan. Today there are nine. There's one in America, there's one in western Europe, there's one in eastern Europe and Russia, one in India, giving birth to another, one in China giving birth to another, one in Japan, east Asia, one in South America. We've gone, Bruce, from a world of two and a half Americums, 300 million people living like Americans, to a world of nine.-TF

Jeff Wacker EDS Futurist - Articles

France with a 35 hour workweek can not compete with India China 35 hour workday.

Elizabeth C Economy writes on China in the Foreign Affairs about rapid chinese growth.

China's middle class growing scores of airports 40 in the next several years.ghg of planes can grow five fold.

Moscow grew from no cars to massive traffic jams

Salil Tripathi speaks on India's Growth in 2005 India grew the size of Portugals economy. Delhi has 16 million people with .5 million new immigrants every year. Energy is heavily subsidized.
0ver 200 million raised out of poverty in India and China in the last 30 years.

China Shakes the World book tells of disappearing manholes around the world

Jared Diamond Consumption Factor . Each American consumes 32 X what a Kenyan does.

Larry Brillant at

Can the World afford a middle class foreign affair article while there will be 1 billion new people in the next 12 years the middle class may add 1.8 billion new people

Food, Water and Floor Space all under stress per Mckinsey global institute a think tank

Iraq doesn't think of conversation or pollution. All economic spurts were cause by unexploited common resources. Carl Pope Sierra Club .

We can substitute knowledge for raw materials and the need to accelerate knowledge.

Thinking Cradle to Cradle - Interacademy council on energy

China and India citizens uses 9-30 times less energy than an American.

Four - fill her up with Dictators -petropolitics

First Law of Petropolitics

We are funding both sides of the Iraq war.

As oil goes up democracies decreases in oil rich countries.
Looming Tower is a book on Al-Quada

1.5 Billion Muslims in the world. 2/3 of the population in the Muslim world is under 25, 1in 4 in unemployed,
Egyptians are beholden to fundamentalism from Saudi Arabia.Our allies Saudia a and Libya were sources of 60% of foreign fighters in Iraq,

institute for the analysis of global security Jim Woolsey former CIA head oil independence = us security

Bahrain the first oil state to start running out of oil has become more independent. Lebanon the only democracy has no oil.

Dutch Disease or the Resource Curse

Does Oil hinder Democracy
There is the taxation effect -no taxation=no representation'
Spending effect -more oil = more patronage spending
More oil = greater repression
limits occupational specialization, higher education, urbanization
reduce power base of non oil institutions

Also keeps Woman rights down

Oil kept Mubarak in power
There is not a single world class university or scientific research institute in the entire Arab world.
Reduced entreprenuership.

Larry Diamond's Democratic Recession

Oil and the new Economic order

With 200 dollar barrel of Oil, Bank of America could be bought by OPEC by 1 months oil revenue, GM in 2 days , Apple in a week.

Need for reform in the Arab-Muslim world is great.

It was 70 dollar oil followed by 10 dollar oil that killed the Soviet Union.
Collapse of an Empire: lessons for modern Russia

" You cannot be either an effective foreign-policy realist or an effective democracy-promoting idealist without also being an effective energy environmentalist" TF